Mind: The Palace Of Thoughts

1.Realisation: Am I obsessed with my thoughts?

 Will you please stop chattering? Why don't you leave me free ?Can you please stop thinking about it? Why do you always hold on to it? If these are the questions you ask your mind, then you have crossed half way in getting those answers.

Yes, at least you have realised that your mind is out of your control. There are people who have not even realised it. They let their mind take them wherever it goes without even realising that their mind is taking them on a journey of thoughts. There are also people who realise that they are into a bad thought but don't wish to come out of it and they keep playing it like a movie. 

Many people consider it as very normal and do not wish to give importance to the thoughts they get. Yes, it is of least  importance unless it doesn't affect your emotional health. But, on the other hand,  if you are emotionally down, understand that it may be because of your thoughts. Being emotionally down at times is normal, but when it starts to disturb your real life then it's high time you tune it.

For example, there are times when you feel low or sad. You might not have experienced anything sad at that moment but your mind might have taken you to a journey of sad moments or sad imagination. You might have failed to realise it. And, ultimately you will end up experiencing a sad mood.

People who have a regular job  and people who keep engaging their minds by giving it some activity have less risk of being emotionally down. On the other hand, an idle man or people who are involved in work that doesn't engage their mind are the ones who are mostly affected. Those minds are the ones which have to be properly helped and tuned. 


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